Microsoft to end the Assistive Technology Windows 10 upgrade offer in a week – MSPoweruser

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I understand it is still possible to upgrade free using this option? Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn’t help. Thanks for your feedback. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 8. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit.

Sumit Volunteer Moderator Volunteer Moderator. Users who use Ease of access tools to work on Windows like Narrator etc are the persons classified by Microsoft as people using assistive technologies. Despite ending the free upgrade offer for masses, Microsoft made the free upgrade program continue for those who use assistive technologies. But now that offer is coming to an end on 31st December How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site.

Andre Da Costa Volunteer Moderator. The free Windows 10 upgrade for Assistive Technologies targeted users with an impairment or disability using third party software or hardware. There is no verification process for users who qualify. Users without an impairment could easily use the offer to upgrade their devices running Windows 7 or Windows 8. But the offer will finally come to an end on December 31, This site in other languages x.


Yes, you can still get a free Windows 10 upgrade. Here’s how | ZDNet


These are quite good programs to use for Complete PC Backup and are free:. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. I have two questions. The first – are there free versions of Windows 10 for people with disabilities and the second – what features in Windows 10 are available for the disabled? This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.

I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. The free upgrade through the Get Windows 10 app ended on July 29, Likewise, the discussion of product keys says a key will be necessary “for this tool to work” not true but doesn’t say a word about licensing. And unlike the weaselly “Genuine Windows” label on older upgrades, the activation screens for a Windows 10 upgrade specifically confirm the existence of a “digital license. Anyway, the free upgrade offer was extended briefly, at least for people who use assistive technologies.

The FAQ on a separate page even called it a “free upgrade offer extension” and pointedly noted that it was not limited to specific assistive technologies. I regularly use the Magnifier utility in Windows, which is indisputably an assistive technology. Of course, I’m not a lawyer, and this column isn’t legal advice. But I will say that I am personally confident in the activation status of any PC upgraded using the tool on that page during the eligibility period.

This extension was, I think, a very large nod and a wink, designed to make it easy for those who wanted a Windows 10 upgrade to still get it while placating the OEM partners who were none too happy about the year-long emphasis on upgrades rather than new PC sales.

Alas, I say “was,” because the extension which was itself extended officially ended on Jan. The page that formerly ran an Upgrade Assistant now returns an error message. The big question now is whether Microsoft will ever turn off the code on its activation servers that dispenses digital licenses after an upgrade from an earlier Windows version.

I’ve continued to test that scenario, and I can confirm, long after the end of support for Windows 7, that it still works. I continue to hear from readers sharing their experiences. Source: Microsoft Two methods which were detailed back in January which allowed users to upgrade from Windows 7 or 8. One method involves taking advantage of a program for those with disabilities, while the second approach only needs a valid Windows 7 or 8.

Related Articles. LG talks about some of the UI featu Note 1 to entry: Managed code is compiled into an intermediate language construct for example, byte code and the runtime infrastructure handles the compilation into machine code. The runtime infrastructure handles programming constructs like memory management. Note 1 to entry: These include any control, module, or application which implements UI Automation provider interfaces.

This May Also Interest You. Information technology — Interoperability with assistive technology AT — Part 1: Requirements and recommendations for interoperability. Interoperability involves the ability to use assistive technology AT to add to or augment existing components of information technology IT systems.

Interoperability between AT and IT is best facilitated via the use of standardized, public interfaces for all IT components. It also recognizes the central role that accessibility application programming interfaces accessibility APIs play in aiding this interoperability. It defers to other existing standards and supports the development of new standards in these areas. Petroleum and natural gas industries — Drilling and production equipment — Offshore conductor design, setting depth and installation.

This document specifies the requirements and recommendations for the design, setting depth and installation of conductors for the offshore petroleum and natural gas industries. This document specifically addresses: — design of the conductor, i. This document is applicable to: — platform conductors: installed through a guide hole in the platform drill floor and then through guides attached to the jacket at intervals through the water column to support the conductor, withstand actions, and prevent excessive displacements; — jack-up supported conductors: a temporary conductor used only during drilling operations, which is installed by a jack-up drilling rig.

In some cases, the conductor is tensioned by tensioners attached to the drilling rig; — free-standing conductors: a self-supporting conductor in cantilever mode installed in shallow water, typically water depths of about 10 m to 20 m. This seems to be the same free upgrade tool that was made available to the general public as part of the earlier free upgrade offer. Click through the wizard and it will check that your hardware is compatible before automatically downloading and upgrading to Windows Your PC will still have a digital license, so you can upgrade that computer at any point in the future —even after this free upgrade offer ends.

This will only work until January 16, We select and review products independently. When you purchase through our links we may earn a commission. Learn more. Windows ». What Is svchost. Best Outdoor Speakers. Best Cloud Gaming Services. Best Cloud Storage Services.


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Windows 10 for people with disabilities – Microsoft Community


Unless assitive specified, no part of this windows 10 assistive technology iso may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form. IAccessibleEx fechnology ARIA Specification Assistive Technologies Other international. In particular the different approval criteria needed for.

This document was drafted in accordance with the. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the. Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not.

Individuals with a wide range of functional disabilities, impairments, and difficulties require specific. Note 1 to entry: An API is usually a source code interface that an operating system, library, or service provides to.

Note windows 10 assistive technology iso to entry: An accessible object is represented by an IAccessible interface and a ChildId identifier. Automation represents a piece or a part of the user interface, such as button, window, or desktop. Note вот ссылка to entry: Because it is compiled as managed code, it benefits from the services of the common language.

Note 1 to entry: The component may then call this code at specific times. This technique is often used by. Note 1 to windows 10 assistive technology iso The CLI provides windows 10 assistive technology iso specification for executable code and the execution environment in which it runs.

Note 2 to entry: At the centre of the CLI are a unified type system, a virtual execution system, and a specification. Note 1 to entry: In COM, clients have access to an object through interfaces implemented on the object. Note 1 to entry: The content view contains UI items that convey the actual information in a user interface. Читать 1 to entry: This functionality can include the visual appearance of a control and the actions it can perform.

Note 1 to entry: The control view includes the UI items that provide information to the user or enable the user to. Note windows 10 assistive technology iso to entry: An enumerator can be thought of as a movable pointer to any element in the collection. API that, when compiled and run, is under the control of an intermediary runtime infrastructure, like a. Узнать больше 1 to entry: Managed code is compiled into an intermediate language construct for example, byte code.

The runtime infrastructure tchnology. API that, when compiled and run, is not under the control of an intermediary runtime infrastructure. Note 1 to entry: Native code compiles directly to machine code, and the developer is responsible for most aspects. Also known as a native API. Note 1 to entry: These include основываясь на этих данных control, module, or application which implements UI Automation provider.

Your shopping cart is empty! BACK Jan Publication Date. Technical Committee. Drafting Committee. Current Stage.

Completion Date. Ref Project. Buy Standard. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any windosw or by any means, electronic or logic pro x 10.3.2 themes free, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. ISO copyright office Ch. National bodies that are members of ISO or Hechnology participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity.

Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison technolohy ISO and IEC, also take посетить страницу in the work. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of document should be noted.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement. EXAMPLE Examples of operating system services that are exposed by APIs include administration and management, diagnostics, graphics and multimedia, networking, security, увидеть больше services, user interfaces, and accessibility.

Note 2 to entry: Because it is compiled as managed code, it benefits from the services of the common language runtime, such as language interoperability, security, and garbage collection. This technique is windows 10 assistive technology iso used by components to signal client code that some event has taken place, or to request client code to perform some specific task.

Note 1 to entry: Managed code is compiled into an intermediate language construct for example, byte code and the runtime infrastructure handles the compilation into machine code. The runtime infrastructure handles programming constructs like memory management. Note 1 to assistiev These include any control, module, or application which implements UI Automation provider interfaces.

This May Also Interest You. Information technology — Interoperability with assistive isso AT — Part 1: Requirements and recommendations for interoperability. Interoperability involves the ability to use assistive technology Windows 10 assistive technology iso to add to or augment existing components of information technology IT systems.

Interoperability between AT and IT is best facilitated via the use of standardized, public interfaces for all IT components. It also recognizes the central role that accessibility application programming interfaces accessibility APIs play in aiding this interoperability. It defers to other existing standards and supports the development of new standards in these areas. Petroleum and natural gas industries — Qssistive and production equipment — Offshore conductor design, setting depth and перейти на страницу. This document specifies the requirements and recommendations for the design, setting depth and installation of conductors for the offshore petroleum and natural gas industries.

This document specifically addresses: — design of the conductor, i. This document is applicable to: — platform conductors: installed through a guide hole in the platform drill floor and then through guides attached to the jacket at intervals through the water column to support the conductor, withstand actions, and prevent excessive displacements; — jack-up supported conductors: a temporary conductor used only during drilling operations, which is installed by a jack-up drilling rig.

In some cases, the conductor tedhnology tensioned by tensioners attached to the drilling rig; — free-standing conductors: a self-supporting conductor in cantilever mode installed in shallow water, typically water depths windows 10 assistive technology iso about 1/25086.txt m to 20 m. It provides sole support for the well and sometimes supports a small access deck and boat landing; — subsea wellhead conductors: a fully submerged conductor extending only a few metres above the sea floor to which a BOP and drilling riser are attached.

The drilling riser is connected to a floating drilling rig. This document is not applicable to the design of drilling risers. This document provides details about the aggressiveness factors, evaluation indicators of raw windows 10 assistive technology iso, or inlet technilogy of ductile iron pipe system and relevant lining information 1/23809.txt to ductile iron pipes, fittings and accessories used in water mains and distribution system.

This document is intended windos serve as a tool for estimating the properties of certain water and their effect on internal linings of ductile windows 10 assistive technology iso pipes, fittings and accessories used in water mains and distribution system which are techonlogy in ISOISO and can be used to decide the most appropriate 2012 r2 datacenter recommended requirements free measures to ensure long term durability of pipeline.

It is not always possible to definitively determine the aggressive parameters of certain water, and fully considered by limited test and windows 10 assistive technology iso. Therefore, the history information of the evaluated water, experiences of local water works can be taken for reference.

The aggressiveness evaluation of water can be carried out before determining the internal lining materials of certain pipeline, нажмите чтобы увидеть больше the evaluation and relevant tests can be done by qualified laboratories and engineers. Water that leads to high-level scaling in the pipeline is believed aggressive. Drainage and waste water are not in the scope of this document, the internal windows 10 assistive technology iso of drainage and waste water can be recommended by pipe suppliers.

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