Microsoft office word 2007 questions and answers free download. MS Word MCQ Quiz – Objective Question with Answer for MS Word – Download Free PDF

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У нее часто возникало чувство, что Стратмор не слишком высокого мнения о Дэвиде и считает, что она могла бы найти себе кого-то поинтереснее, чем простой преподаватель.  – Коммандер, – сказала она, – если вы инструктировали Дэвида сегодня утром по телефону из машины, кто-то мог перехватить… – Один шанс на миллион, – возразил Стратмор, стараясь ее успокоить.

 – Подслушивающий должен был находиться в непосредственной близости и точно знать, что надо подслушивать.  – Он положил руку ей на плечо.  – Я никогда не послал бы туда Дэвида, если бы считал, что это связано хоть с малейшей опасностью.


Microsoft Word Quiz: Would You Pass IT? – ProProfs Quiz.MS Word MCQ [Free PDF] – Objective Question Answer for MS Word Quiz – Download Now!


To reactivate your Office applications, reconnect to the Internet. Documents that you have created belong fully to you. If you cancel your subscription or it expires, you can still access and download all your files by signing in to OneDrive directly using the Microsoft account you used to set up Microsoft You do lose the additional storage that comes with your subscription, so you must save your files elsewhere or buy more OneDrive storage if your OneDrive account exceeds the free storage quota.

If you purchase an auto-renew subscription, your subscription starts when you complete your purchase. You can purchase auto-renew subscriptions from Microsoft If you purchase a pre-paid subscription, your subscription starts when you activate your subscription and land on your My Account page. You can purchase pre-paid subscriptions from a retailer or reseller, or a Microsoft support agent. If you have an active Microsoft Family subscription, you can share it with up to five members of your household.

To add someone to your subscription, visit www. Each person you add will receive an email with the steps they need to follow. Once they have accepted and completed the steps, their information, including the installs they are using, will appear on your My Account page. You can stop sharing your subscription with someone or remove a device they are using at www. When you use cloud-based services, your IT infrastructure resides off your property off-premises , and is maintained by a third party hosted , instead of residing on a server at your home or business on-premises that you maintain.

With Microsoft , for example, information storage, computation, and software are located and managed remotely on servers owned by Microsoft. Many services you use every day are a part of the cloud—everything from web-based email to mobile banking and online photo storage.

Microsoft is the latest version of Office. Previous versions include Office , Office , and Office Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Upgrade from Office to Microsoft See options for home.

See options for work. See options for enterprise. Office is now retired Updates are required to stay supported. Find more information. Ready for Microsoft ? Familiar apps with all the latest features Familiar apps with all the latest features.

Word Become a better writer with smart tools that help you create impressive documents. Excel Excel does complex analyses for you, empowering you to be the master of your data. OneNote Get organized with OneNote, the digital notebook that lets you type, draw, and more. Outlook Get more done with an intelligent inbox and focus on the emails that matter most. Publisher Simple tools to help you create professional newsletters, brochures, and more.

A Red wavy line under the repeated word b. A Green wavy line under the repeated word c. A Blue wavy line under the repeated word d. None of the above. In mail merge operation which of the following might represent the main document? A sales brochure b. A form letter c. A database of Names and Addresses d. All of above. Pressing F8 key for three times selects a. What is a Document Outline View? A preview in a full screen b. A preview with margins c.

A View with a margins and gutter d. A view with a structure of heading at various levels. Undo the last Action b. Redo the last Action c. Add the new page d. Paste the contents from clipboard. Start panel b. Address panel c.

Finish panel. Superscript b. Subscript c. All Caps d. The spike a. Allows you to combine text from several documents and tehn insert all the text into one document at on we time b. Allows you to edit auto text entries c. Allows you to format auto text entries d. The word wrap creature a. Automatically move text to the next line when necessary b. Appears at the bottom of the document c. Allows you to type over text d.

How can you make the selected character super scripted a. What is the short cut key to open the Open dialog box? F12 b. Shift F12 c. What is the shortcut key to split a table?

Which key is used to increase left indent? How many different documents you can open at one time? No more than three b. Only one c. As many as your computer memory will hold d. As many as your task bar can display. Which of the following is the second step in creating a macro? Start recording b. Using your mouse or keyboard, perform the task you want to automate c. Assign a keyboard shortcut to the macro d. Give the macro a name. When assigning a shortcut key to a symbol, you should always try to select a key or key combination that is: a.

Which feature is used to replace straight quotes with smart quotes as you type? Auto Correct as you type b. Auto Change as you type c. Auto Format as you type d. Smart Tags as you type. Which of the following command is not available in Tools menu? Auto text b. Auto correct c. Auto summarize d. Auto Entry b. Auto Correct c. Auto Add d. Auto Spell. If you want to convert a symbol or several lines of text into an AutoCorrect entry, you should: a.

Insert the symbol or type the text in a Word document first. Then, select the text or symbol and go to the Auto Correct dialog box. Click the Tools menu and choose Auto Correct Options. Then, click the Insert menu and choose Symbol or click the Format menu and choose Paragraph to add the symbol or paragraph to Auto Correct.

Auto Correct can only accommodate one line of text. It is not possible to convert a symbol or multiple lines of text into an Auto Correct entry. Then, select the text or symbol and click the Edit menu followed by Paste Special. Which option is not available in Insert Table Auto fit behavior? Fixed Column Width b. Auto Fit to Contents c.

Auto fit to Window d. Auto fit to Column. When you click on File menu in Word , it opens a. File menu b. File Commands c. Backstage View d. File Ribbon. Tabs stop position cannot be the following alignment a. Decimal Alignment b. Center Alignment c. Bar Alignment d. Justify Alignment. Why the document you created at home displays with a different font at school?

Because you have a different printer at school than at home b. Because you have a different monitor at school than at home c. Because the font you used at home is not installed on your school computer d. Because the version of Windows is different. Search the selected text b.

Paste the selected text c. Bold the selected text d. Open the specified file. Placeholders b. If the number of columns is selected 1 and the line between check box is marked, where is the line drawn?

None of Above. A feature of MS Word that saves the document automatically after certain interval is available on a. Save tab on Options dialog box b. Save As dialog box c. Both of above d. After typing header text, how can you quickly enter footer text? Press Page Down key and type the text for footer b. To move the cursor page to page of document a. You can jump to the next column by a. Clicking with your mouse on the next column b.

Which of the following enables you to paste data multiple times? Windows Clipboard b. Office Clipboard c. None of the all. You need to jump to the next column breaking current column right at the cursor position. How can you break column? Break command from Insert menu d. Both b and c. In Word you can force a page break a. By positioning your cursor at the appropriate place and pressing the F1 key b. By changing the font size of your document. How can you increase the font size of selected text by one point every time?

How to use Format Painter multiple times a. Format Painter cannot be use multiple times. What is the default font used in MS Word document? Times New Roman b. Arial c.

Calibri d. Which of the following is not a type of page margin? Left b. Right c. Center d. Both are same. They are only two different ways of capitalize text.

It is faster to convert from Change Case than from Font dialog box c.


[Microsoft office word 2007 questions and answers free download


Испанский Золотой век давным-давно миновал, но какое-то время в середине 1600-х годов этот небольшой народ был властелином мира. Комната служила гордым напоминанием о тех временах: доспехи, гравюры на военные сюжеты и золотые слитки из Нового Света за стеклом. За конторкой с надписью КОНСЬЕРЖ сидел вежливый подтянутый мужчина, улыбающийся так приветливо, словно всю жизнь ждал минуты, когда сможет оказать любезность посетителю. – En que puedo servile, senor.


Microsoft Office – Download.Microsoft Word MCQ [Free PDF] – Objective Question Answer for Microsoft Word Quiz – Download Now!


This MS Office online test will microsoft office word 2007 questions and answers free download helpful for competitive exams and interviews. Besides desktop applications, Microsoft office is available now as cloud based online Web Application named Office Here you will find a list of common important questions on microsoft office in MCQ quiz style with answer for competitive exams and interviews.

These frequently asked sample questions on MS Office are given with correct choice of answer that you can check instantly. Presently we have added total 8 sets of questions on microsoft office for you to practice. We will keep adding more questions and qjestions this question bank in PDF format, so that you can download them instantly in E-book style.

Following section consists of some ahswers multiple choice questions mcq on microsoft office with answers. Answer : Picture Manager [Option : B].

Answer : No [Option : B]. Answer : Auto Save [Option : C]. Answer microsoft office word 2007 questions and answers free download FrontPage [Option : C]. Answer : Change Case [Option : C]. If you spot any typographical, grammatical or factual error in our offixe, then please let know. Thanks in advance. Microsoft Office MS Office Microsoft Office questions with answer MS Office mcq : starting with microsoft officephoto editor was renamed to : is microsoft works is part of основываясь на этих данных microsoft office suite?

Photo Manager. Picture Manager. Picture Editor. Paint Editor. Save As. Auto Save. Web Page. Change Letter. Change Sentence. Change Case. Change Word. Photo Manager B. Picture Manager C. Picture Editor D. Answer A. Yes B. Save B. Save As C. Auto Save D. Web Page B. Explorer C. FrontPage D. Change Letter B. Change Sentence C. Change Case D.

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