Download game gta 4 untuk pc
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Download game gta 4 untuk pc. Grand Theft Auto 4 Download Full Game PC For Free
Got high detailed 3D models and imposing gameplay modes. The same happened to me but in my cousins computer ,it посетить страницу источник Reply. It is an amazing action and adventure game. Had no troubles running it, downloaded by mb part, thanks am so happy. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your dosnload address will not be published.
GTA IV Free Download PC Game Full Version ISO
The characters you meet along your adventure in liberty city are well thought out and written. The story amazing, characters, amazing, they are funny and they also fit the game well. Second, the map is astonishing, obviously New York City, so it has the be beautiful.
Niko Belic story is great, the charecter and its reasocers and developing along with the game, as well as all the cool things the game features and the two amazing endings. The game still has some bugs but these can be fixed with a mod called fusion fix. There are multiple mods to improve gameplay and in-game experiences too. I highly recommend playing this game as it takes all the fun stuff from GTA San Andreas and adds realism along with a more serious story that is better than most TV or movies.
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Bang klo 7 partnya udh aku download di gta yg gk ada episode liberty city trus sisanya dilanjutin ke gta episode liberty city bisa gk? Bang kok punya gue gta v loading infinite screen alias gak mau kebuka gamenya walaupun udah nunggu loadingnya Tolong gue bang. Name Required. Mail will not be published Required. Home Game Ringan Game Perang. By Hienzo June 22, 56 Comments. Start Download. Click Here To Download. Share on: Twitter Facebook Pinterest. January 6, at pm. Minato Hienzo says:.
Ferry Dharmawan says:. January 13, at am. Waldo Christian says:. May 14, at pm. Fajar Muharrom says:. January 22, at pm. January 23, at am. Silen tGuitar says:. January 27, at pm. February 7, at am. Salty’s Piston says:.
February 17, at am. Alur ceritanya dalam game ini sangat menawan dan ada banyak misi dan karakter yang mengesankan sepanjang permainan. Anda sebagai Niko Bellic di dan untuk pertama kalinya Anda dapat memutuskan pilihan apa yang harus dibuat di dalam gameplay yang akan menciptakan perbedaan yang signifikan dalam alur cerita. Saya sangat suka fisik game ini lebih dari game GTA lainnya di seri ini. Seri ini adalah permainan yang fantastis. Sebuah permainan yang benar-benar hidup diatas nama Grand Theft Auto, baik dalam gameplay maupun cerita.
Jika Anda menyukai permainan dengan cerita sinematis yang serius, ini adalah permainan yang akan membawa anda bersenang-senang lebih lama.